Is there a list displaying the champions in order based on their auto attack range?
I have created an Excel file matching data from Wikia and LoL Builder Android app.
When I will finish all cross-checks maybe I will post the file in some online repository; in the meanwhile here it is the list of champions ordered by auto attack range:
Champion Range
Kog'maw (lvl 5 W) 710 (from 500)
Tristana (lvl 18) 703
Jinx (lvl 5 Q) 700 (from 525)
Caitlyn 650
Anivia 600
Ashe 600
Zilean 600
Annie 575
Varus 575
Ziggs 575
Zyra 575
Ahri 550
Brand 550
Cassiopeia 550
Corki 550
Draven 550
Ezreal 550
Elise 550 (human)
Heimerdinger 550
Jhin 550
Kennen 550
Lissandra 550
Lucian 550
Lulu 550
Lux 550
Malzahar 550
Miss Fortune 550
Nami 550
Ryze 550
Sona 550
Soraka 550
Syndra 550
Tristana (lvl 1) 550 (+9 /lvl)
Twitch 550
Vayne 550
Karma 525
Kayle (active E) 525
LeBlanc 525
Nidalee 525
Graves 525
Orianna 525
Quinn 525
Twisted Fate 525
Veigar 525
Viktor 525
Xerath 525
Bard 500
Jayce 500 (cannon)
Kindred 500
Kog'Maw 500
Sivir 500
Swain 500
Teemo 500
Fiddlesticks 480
Janna 475
Karthus 450
Thresh 450
Vladimir 450
Urgot 425
Morgana 400
all other champions have a range of 200 or less.
I'm ordering the champs by their base level range.
(650) Alright, well Caitlyn is definitely one especially with her passive a great auto attack harasser.
(600) Ashe, with her passive getting that first 100% crit on the enemy and with a volley is almost 3/4 their health.
(550 + 9/level) Depenging on the level, Tristana is a good one also since her passive gives her more and more range the higher the level so she may not be the best harasser early game. She starts with 550 range and ends with 703.
(550) Miss Fortune not only has decent range but she also has a very fast animation which makes for great harassing you can get an attack off before the opposing.
(550) Corki is another with a great passive for harassing since he will deal an addition 10% damage.
I know you mentioned you don't want to use spells but Kog'Maw has to be mentioned.
(500) Kog with the use of his 'W' (Bio Arcane Barage) he increases his range by 130 / 160 / 190 / 220 / 250 , depending on his level and does additional damage base on the targets max health.
There is a list on LoLWiki which can be ordered for any criteria you like.
It lists all stats - I think - so you can compare them easily. Here it is: lol champion stats