Is there a PHP equivalent of Perl's WWW::Mechanize?

SimpleTest's ScriptableBrowser can be used independendly from the testing framework. I've used it for numerous automation-jobs.

I feel compelled to answer this, even though its an old post... I've been working with PHP curl a lot and it is not as good anywhere near comparable to something like WWW:Mechanize, which I am switching to (I think I am going to go with the Ruby language implementation).. Curl is outdated as it requires too much "grunt work" to automate anything, the simpletest scriptable browser looked promising to me but in testing it, it won't work on most web forms I try it on... honestly, I think PHP is lacking in this category of scraping, web automation so its best to look at a different language, just wanted to post this since I have spent countless hours on this topic and maybe it will save someone else some time in the future.

It's 2016 now and there's Mink. It even supports different engines from headless pure-PHP "browser" (without JavaScript), over Selenium (which needs a browser like Firefox or Chrome) to a headless "browser.js" in NPM, which DOES support JavaScript.