Is there a python function to return a new dict with a new key added, like assoc in clojure?

Sure, you can simply use dict(), for example:

old = {"a": 1}
new_one = dict(old, new_key=value)
new_one = dict(old, {...})

Since Python 3.9, you can also use Dictionary Merge and Update Operators, although some may argue that is less explicit.

The code snippet would become:

old = {"a": 1}

# 1. Merge operator

new_one = old | {"new_key": value}
## `old_one` is {"a": 1}
## `new_one` is {"a": 1, "new_key": value}

# 2. Update operator

old |= {"new_key": value}
## `old_one` becomes {"a": 1, "new_key": value}