Is there a replacement for the garbage collection JVM args in Java 11?

List of your <arguments, current mapping, reasons> is as follows:

-XX:+PrintGCDateStamps    ==>  decoration options

-XX:+PrintGCDetails       ==>  -Xlog:gc*

-XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime ==> -Xlog:safepoint

Note: PrintGCApplicationConcurrentTime and PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime are logged on the same tag and not separated in the new logging.

-XX:GCLogFileSize          ==>  output options

The bits that are handled by the framework do require tweaking

Reference: The documentation I've referred to and request you to follow for such migration details.

It does print date with time


[2019-05-13T14:01:03.356+0530] Heap region size: 1M
[2019-05-13T14:01:03.357+0530] Using G1

NOTE :- JDK 11 been used

BTW, although the NumberOfGCLogFiles and GCLogFileSize options are gone in Java 11, it is still possible to set rolling file size and count. For example:

java -Xlog:gc*,safepoint:gc.log:time,uptime:filecount=100,filesize=128K ...