Is there a safe version of strlen?

C strings that are not null-terminated are not C strings, they are simply arrays of characters, and there is no way of finding their length.

If you define a c-string as

char* cowSays = "moo";

then you autmagically get the '\0' at the end and strlen would return 3. If you define it like:

char iDoThis[1024] = {0};

you get an empty buffer (and array of characters, all of which are null characters). You can then fill it with what you like as long as you don't over-run the buffer length. At the start strlen would return 0, and once you have written something you would also get the correct number from strlen.
You could also do this:

char uhoh[100];
int len = strlen(uhoh);

but that would be bad, because you have no idea what is in that array. It could hit a null character you might not. The point is that the null character is the defined standard manner to declare that the string is finished.
Not having a null character means by definition that the string is not finished. Changing that will break the paradigm of how the string works. What you want to do is make up your own rules. C++ will let you do that, but you will have to write a lot of code yourself.

EDIT From your newly added info, what you want to do is loop over the array and check for the null character by hand. You should also do some validation if you are expecting ASCII characters only (especially if you are expecting alpha-numeric characters). This assumes that you know the maximum size. If you do not need to validate the content of the string then you could use one of the strnlen family of functions:

You've added that the string is in shared memory. That's guaranteed readable, and of fixed size. You can therefore use size_t MaxPossibleSize = startOfSharedMemory + sizeOfSharedMemory - input; strnlen(input, MaxPossibleSize) (mind the extra n in strnlen).

This will return MaxPossibleSize if there's no \0 in the shared memory following input, or the string length if there is. (The maximal possible string length is of course MaxPossibleSize-1, in case the last byte of shared memory is the first \0)

size_t safe_strlen(const char *str, size_t max_len)
    const char * end = (const char *)memchr(str, '\0', max_len);
    if (end == NULL)
        return max_len;
        return end - str;



