Is there a shortcut for git branch name?

If you're on a Unix-like system (Linux, Mac OS X, perhaps others), there's the contrib/complete/git-completion.bash bash auto-complete ruleset, which will let you auto-complete git commands (you can type git checkout step110<tab> and your shell will autocomplete the branch-name.

To activate this:

  • If you've got the git source, in contrib/complete/ there's a file git-completion.bash. Put that somewhere safe (like ~/.git-completion), and then add the following line to your ~/.bashrc file: source ~/.git-completion. Either restart your shell session or run source ~/.git-completion to get it running in the current shell session.
  • If you dont have the git source, you can get the script from here ( Then follow the same instructions as above.

If you're lucky enough to be using zsh instead of bash, I know that oh-my-zsh has git autocompletion plugins (I'm not sure how to activate them without oh-my-zsh).



Try this alias:

cb = "!checkoutbranch() { local branches=`git branch | grep -i $1 | tr -d '* '`; if [[ `echo \"$branches\" | wc -l | tr -d ' '` != 1 ]]; then echo \"Matched multiple branches:\"; git branch | grep --color -i $1; exit 1; fi; git checkout $branches; }; checkoutbranch"

Checkout the develop branch:

git cb dev

---- edit ----

A better version:

git symbolic-ref may help if you are too lazy to even press a TAB. You can create an alias to the branch.

$ # Define short name 's1'
$ git symbolic-ref refs/heads/s1 refs/heads/step110_create_search_engine_to_replace_google
$ # You can use short name 's1' afterwards
$ git reset --hard s1
$ git checkout -b s1-experiment s1
$ # Remove the short name (don't use branch -d here or the original branch gets deleted!)
$ git symbolic-ref -d refs/heads/s1

Remote branches can be referred in the same manner to save typing remote/TAB. (In this case, I recommend to prefix with refs/tags/ instead of refs/heads/ to prevent moving the remote ref accidentally)

$ git symbolic-ref refs/tags/base refs/remotes/github/a-very-long-named-remote-branch
$ git rebase -i base

Here is how I installed it on OS X...

Check if it's on your local system first. It seems MacPorts and Homebrew download it for you.

$ find / -name "git-completion.bash"

Otherwise, download it...

$ wget -O ~/.git-completion

If you don't have wget, you can install it easily with Homebrew or use cURL.

$ vim ~/.profile

...or your editor of choice.

Then add...

source ~/.git-completion

If your autocompletion doesn't work automatically...

$ source ~/.profile

...and then you have Git autocompletion.

