Is there a standard package to create a table like this?

It's possible to combine the multirow package and tikz. I think it's more easy to place the text like Title A and B. I use tikz only for the arrows.



 \begin{tabular}{ | l | l | p{5cm} |l l}
   Day & Max Temp & Summary &\multirow{2}{*}{Title A} &
    \multirow{2}{*}{\tikz[remember picture,overlay] \coordinate (a);\hspace*{2ex}\textbf{Top}} \\ 
   Monday & 22C & A clear day with lots of sunshine.  However, the strong breeze will bring down the temperatures.&  & \\ \cline{1-3}
   Tuesday & 19C & Cloudy with rain, across many northern regions. Clear spells across most of Scotland and Northern Ireland, but rain reaching the far northwest.& &\\ 
   Wednesday & 21C & Rain will still linger for the morning. Conditions will improve by early afternoon and continue throughout the evening.&
   \multirow{2}{*}[1em]{Title B} &  \multirow{2}{*}[-4em]{\tikz[remember picture,overlay] \coordinate (b);\hspace*{2ex}\textbf{Below}} \\
   \end{tabular} %
 \tikz[remember picture,overlay] \draw[<->] (a) --(b);

enter image description here

Here's an outline answer using tabularx and tikz.

I apologise for (a) Not filling in all the text and (b) not tuning the horizontal fit and spacing.

Image of result

\node [text width=7cm] (tb) {%
    Extraordinary uncertainty
    & Fundamental Research\newline
      Fundamental invention\\
    \vstrut{2cm} & \\
    \vstrut{2cm} & \\
    \vstrut{2cm} & \\
    \vstrut{2cm} & \\
    \vstrut{2cm} & \\
} ;
\node [
    anchor=north west,
    right=of tb.55,
    text width=2cm] (br) {Basic\\Research};
\node [
    right=of tb.0,
    text width=2cm] (dv) {Development};
\node [
    anchor=south west,
    right=of tb.305,
    text width=2cm] (ar) {Applied\\Research};
\node [coordinate,right=of br.north east] (x1) {};
\node [coordinate,right=of ar.south east] (x2) {};
\draw [<->] (x1) to (x2);
\node [right=2cm of br,text width=2cm] {\bfseries\itshape Radical\\Innovation};
\node [right=2cm of ar,text width=2cm] {\bfseries\itshape Incremental\\Innovation};

