Is there a standard Python data structure that keeps things in sorted order?
Use SortedDict from the SortedCollection.
A SortedDict provides the same methods as a dict. Additionally, a SortedDict efficiently maintains its keys in sorted order. Consequently, the keys method will return the keys in sorted order, the popitem method will remove the item with the highest key, etc.
I've used it - it works. Unfortunately I don't have the time now to do a proper performance comparison, but subjectively it seems to have become faster than the bisect module.
Cheap searching and cheap insertion tend to be at odds. You could use a linked list for the data structure. Then searching to find the insertion point for a new element is O(n), and the subsequent insertion of the new element in the correct location is O(1).
But you're probably better off just using a straightforward Python list. Random access (i.e. finding your spot) takes constant time. Insertion in the correct location to maintain the sort is theoretically more expensive, but that depends on how the dynamic array is implemented. You don't really pay the big price for insertions until reallocation of the underlying array takes place.
Regarding checking for date range overlaps, I happen to have had the same problem in the past. Here's the code I use. I originally found it in a blog post, linked from an SO answer, but that site no longer appears to exist. I actually use datetimes in my ranges, but it will work equally well with your numeric values.
def dt_windows_intersect(dt1start, dt1end, dt2start, dt2end):
'''Returns true if two ranges intersect. Note that if two
ranges are adjacent, they do not intersect.
Code based on:
if dt2end <= dt1start or dt2start >= dt1end:
return False
return dt1start <= dt2end and dt1end >= dt2start
Here are the unit tests to prove it works:
from import eq_, assert_equal, raises
class test_dt_windows_intersect():
Code based on:
|-------------------| compare to this one
1 |---------| contained within
2 |----------| contained within, equal start
3 |-----------| contained within, equal end
4 |-------------------| contained within, equal start+end
5 |------------| overlaps start but not end
6 |-----------| overlaps end but not start
7 |------------------------| overlaps start, but equal end
8 |-----------------------| overlaps end, but equal start
9 |------------------------------| overlaps entire range
10 |---| not overlap, less than
11 |-------| not overlap, end equal
12 |---| not overlap, bigger than
13 |---| not overlap, start equal
def test_contained_within(self):
assert dt_windows_intersect(
datetime(2009,10,1,6,0), datetime(2009,10,1,7,0),
datetime(2009,10,1,6,30), datetime(2009,10,1,6,40),
def test_contained_within_equal_start(self):
assert dt_windows_intersect(
datetime(2009,10,1,6,0), datetime(2009,10,1,7,0),
datetime(2009,10,1,6,0), datetime(2009,10,1,6,30),
def test_contained_within_equal_end(self):
assert dt_windows_intersect(
datetime(2009,10,1,6,0), datetime(2009,10,1,7,0),
datetime(2009,10,1,6,30), datetime(2009,10,1,7,0),
def test_contained_within_equal_start_and_end(self):
assert dt_windows_intersect(
datetime(2009,10,1,6,0), datetime(2009,10,1,7,0),
datetime(2009,10,1,6,0), datetime(2009,10,1,7,0),
def test_overlaps_start_but_not_end(self):
assert dt_windows_intersect(
datetime(2009,10,1,6,0), datetime(2009,10,1,7,0),
datetime(2009,10,1,5,30), datetime(2009,10,1,6,30),
def test_overlaps_end_but_not_start(self):
assert dt_windows_intersect(
datetime(2009,10,1,6,0), datetime(2009,10,1,7,0),
datetime(2009,10,1,6,30), datetime(2009,10,1,7,30),
def test_overlaps_start_equal_end(self):
assert dt_windows_intersect(
datetime(2009,10,1,6,0), datetime(2009,10,1,7,0),
datetime(2009,10,1,5,30), datetime(2009,10,1,7,0),
def test_equal_start_overlaps_end(self):
assert dt_windows_intersect(
datetime(2009,10,1,6,0), datetime(2009,10,1,7,0),
datetime(2009,10,1,6,0), datetime(2009,10,1,7,30),
def test_overlaps_entire_range(self):
assert dt_windows_intersect(
datetime(2009,10,1,6,0), datetime(2009,10,1,7,0),
datetime(2009,10,1,5,0), datetime(2009,10,1,8,0),
def test_not_overlap_less_than(self):
assert not dt_windows_intersect(
datetime(2009,10,1,6,0), datetime(2009,10,1,7,0),
datetime(2009,10,1,5,0), datetime(2009,10,1,5,30),
def test_not_overlap_end_equal(self):
assert not dt_windows_intersect(
datetime(2009,10,1,6,0), datetime(2009,10,1,7,0),
datetime(2009,10,1,5,0), datetime(2009,10,1,6,0),
def test_not_overlap_greater_than(self):
assert not dt_windows_intersect(
datetime(2009,10,1,6,0), datetime(2009,10,1,7,0),
datetime(2009,10,1,7,30), datetime(2009,10,1,8,0),
def test_not_overlap_start_equal(self):
assert not dt_windows_intersect(
datetime(2009,10,1,6,0), datetime(2009,10,1,7,0),
datetime(2009,10,1,7,0), datetime(2009,10,1,8,0),
It looks like you want something like bisect's insort_right/insort_left. The bisect module works with lists and tuples.
import bisect
l = [(0, 100), (150, 300), (500, 1000)]
bisect.insort_right(l, (250, 400))
print l # [(0, 100), (150, 300), (250, 400), (500, 1000)]
bisect.insort_right(l, (399, 450))
print l # [(0, 100), (150, 300), (250, 400), (399, 450), (500, 1000)]
You can write your own overlaps
function, which you can use to check before using insort
I assume you made a mistake with your numbers as (250, 400)
overlaps (150, 300)
can be written like so:
def overlaps(inlist, inrange):
for min, max in inlist:
if min < inrange[0] < max and max < inrange[1]:
return True
return False