Is there a type for "Class" in Typescript? And does "any" include it?

Angular internally declare Type as:

export interface Type<T> extends Function { new (...args: any[]): T; }

With TypeScript3 it should be possible to add types for arguments without function overloading:

export interface TypeWithArgs<T, A extends any[]> extends Function { new(...args: A): T; } 


class A {}

function create(ctor: Type<A>): A {
    return new ctor();

let a = create(A);

The simplest solution would be let variable: typeof Class.

Here an example:

class A {
  public static attribute = "ABC";

function f(Param: typeof A) {
  new Param();


The equivalent for what you're asking in typescript is the type { new(): Class }, for example:

class A {}

function create(ctor: { new(): A }): A {
    return new ctor();

let a = create(A); // a is instanceof A

(code in playground)

The code above will allow only classes whose constructor has no argument. If you want any class, use new (...args: any[]) => Class