is there a ubuntu appium inspector for android

basically we need inspector for viewing name, id and other property of element in the android app, which I can use for test automation with appium.

We can use "Ui Automator Viewer" which we can find in android sdk folder "sdk/tools/uiautomatorviewer".

If you have already installed android sdk and configured path skip step 1 and go to step 2 directly.

Step1: Download SDK for linux. Extract to home folder in linux

Then configure your sdk path in .bashrc file

To configure Type gedit .bashrc at terminal

Opens an text editor, type the folowing and save

  export ANDROID_HOME="$HOME/adt/sdk"

  export JAVA_HOME="/usr/bin/java"

  export PATH=${PATH}:~/adt/sdk/tools

  export PATH=${PATH}:~/adt/sdk/platform-tools

Step2: Then type uiautomatorviewer at your terminal to start uiautomatorviewer and get details of elements you want to inspect.


