Is there a way to cause a Grunt plugin to fail if input files are missing?

In the files array format you can use nonull: true to raise a warning if a file doesn't exist:

files: [
    src: [
    dest: 'c.js',
    nonull: true

Now force Grunt to stop on a warning by wrapping grunt.log.warn in your own function:

var gruntLogWarn = grunt.log.warn;
grunt.log.warn = function(error) {
    gruntLogWarn(error); // The original warning.'Stop! Hammer time.'); // Forced stop.

Above will stop on any warning. But we want to stop if source files are missing. Filter Grunt warnings on 'Source file ... not found.':

var gruntLogWarn = grunt.log.warn;
grunt.log.warn = function(error) {
  var pattern = new RegExp("^Source file (.*) not found.$");
  if (pattern.test(error)) {;
  } else {

You could create a task that goes before cssmin.

  // Check for those files here. Throw if something's wrong.


And iirc, you could reuse the same params in the cssmin task by just referring them via <% %>.