Is there a way to change from double quotes to single quotes in VS Code quick fix?

If your project has a .editorconfig file, try adding the following line:

quote_type = single

I've found that the .editorconfig file seems to override any settings for vscode, prettier, tslint, etc. and it seems to default to something other than single quotes.

Deleting the file can work as well if you don't need it.

More info on editorconfig.

You can use the Prettier Extension with the following settings (global/workspace).

"prettier.singleQuote": true

Check your tslint.json for the quotemark part.

If it's setted to use doublequote by

"quotemark": [
  "double"   < ------mention here

then there will be warning at your typescript file while using singlequote. And this will lead VS Code's quick-fix(show fix option for me) to change singlequote to doublequote.

So the solution should be change double to single.

"quotemark": [
  "single"   < ------change here