Is there a way to convert indentation in Python code to braces?

There's a solution to your problem that is distributed with python itself., it's located in the Tools\Scripts directory in a windows install (my path to it is C:\Python25\Tools\Scripts), it looks like you'd have to grab it from if you are running on Linux or OSX.

It adds comments when blocks are closed, or can properly indent code if comments are put in. Here's an example of the code outputted by pindent with the command: -c

def foobar(a, b):
   if a == b:
       a = a+1
   elif a < b:
       b = b-1
       if b > a: a = a-1
       # end if
       print 'oops!'
   # end if
# end def foobar

Where the original was:

def foobar(a, b):
   if a == b:
       a = a+1
   elif a < b:
       b = b-1
       if b > a: a = a-1
       print 'oops!'

You can also use -r to insert the correct indentation based on comments (read the header of for details), this should allow you to code in python without worrying about indentation.

For example, running -r will convert the following code in into the same properly indented (and also commented) code as produced by the -c example above:

def foobar(a, b):
if a == b:
a = a+1
elif a < b:
b = b-1
if b > a: a = a-1
# end if
print 'oops!'
# end if
# end def foobar

I'd be interested to learn what solution you end up using, if you require any further assistance, please comment on this post and I'll try to help.

You should be able to configure your editor to speak the tabs and spaces -- I know it's possible to display whitespace in most editors, so there must be an accessibility option somewhere to speak them.

Failing that, there is pybraces, which was written as a practical joke but might actually be useful to you with a bit of work.

Although I am not blind, I have heard good things about Emacspeak. They've had a Python mode since their 8.0 release in 1998 (they seem to be up to release 28.0!). Definitely worth checking out.

I personally doubt that there currently is at the moment, as a lot of the Python afficionados love the fact that Python is this way, whitespace delimited.

I've never actually thought about that as an accessibility issue however. Maybe it's something to put forward as a bug report to Python?

I'd assume that you use a screen reader here however for the output? So the tabs would seem "invisible" to you? With a Braille output, it might be easier to read, but I can understand exactly how confusing this could be.

In fact, this is very interesting to me. I wish that I knew enough to be able to write an app that will do this for you.

I think it's definately something that I'll put in a bug report for, unless you've already done so yourself, or want to.

Edit: Also, as noted by John Millikin There is also PyBraces Which might be a viable solution to you, and may be possible to be hacked together dependant on your coding skills to be exactly what you need (and I hope that if that's the case, you release it out for others like yourself to use)

Edit 2: I've just reported this to the python bug tracker