Apple - Is there a way to disable minimising windows with the yellow button in OS X?

You can disable ⌘M by running this and reopening applications:

defaults write -g NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add Minimize '\0'

If the menu item was assigned to nil, pressing L would trigger it in some applications like Audacity.

If you remove, the minimize buttons stop working. But it also disables full screen windows, Mission Control, the Notification Center sidebar, the application switcher, Launchpad, and Dashboard, and makes desktop backgrounds gray.

NuKit can change the zoom and close buttons, but I don't know any application for changing or disabling the minimize buttons. There is another question about it at Super User.

I didn't find any hidden preferences for it using strings or gdb.

Better Touch Tool (45 day free trial/$7.50) enables you to map many kinds of reactions to a wide array of events (much more than touch/trackpad related events).

Under the 'Named & Other Triggers' group, you can map a click of the yellow/orange minimize button to the ⌘H keyboard shortcut, so the window is hidden rather than minimized.

I am not affiliated with Better Touch Tool in any way. Just a fan.

If you have some spare money, I might point you at Witch, a $14 app from ManyTricks. It has a direct download that integrates with system preferences, and an app store version.

It doesn't remove minimization like you want, but if I understand the reason for the question, it would work, because it replaces the cmd-tab switcher and Mission Control with something that works in a no-nonsense fashion. I have to admit that I do not own a copy, but it looks very promising and has a full-featured demo. It is very customizable and even has Win7-ish window previews if you're willing to mouse hover.