Is there a way to find out SSD page size on Linux/Unix? What is "physical block" in fdisk output?

  • The physical block size reported by fdisk is the physical block size reported by the disk when asked. It seldom has any relationship with SSD pages or erase blocks.

  • 4 KiB reads/writes are a common measure of I/O performance, representing "small" I/O operations.

  • There is no standard way for a SSD to report its page size or erase block size. Few if any manufacturers report them in the datasheets. (Because they may change during the lifetime of a SKU, for example because of changing suppliers.) There is a whitepaper from Intel which suggests that 4 KiB alignment is enough.

  • For practical use just align all your data structures (partitions, payload of LUKS containers, LVM logical volumes) to 1 or 2 MiB boundaries. It's an SSD after all--it is designed to cope with usual filesystems, such as NTFS (which uses 4 KiB allocation units). If Windows considers that aligning partitions to 1 MiB is enough you can bet that any SSD manufacturer will make sure that their products work well with such a configuration.

  • Best leave about 5% to 10% of unallocated space outside any partitions. Having overprovisioned space is of great help to SSDs in maintaining their performance in time.

smartctl (available in smartmontools) should do it for you.

