Is there a way to get a type's alias through reflection?

Nope - just create a Dictionary<Type,string> to map all of the types to their aliases. It's a fixed set, so it's not hard to do:

private static readonly Dictionary<Type, string> Aliases =
    new Dictionary<Type, string>()
    { typeof(byte), "byte" },
    { typeof(sbyte), "sbyte" },
    { typeof(short), "short" },
    { typeof(ushort), "ushort" },
    { typeof(int), "int" },
    { typeof(uint), "uint" },
    { typeof(long), "long" },
    { typeof(ulong), "ulong" },
    { typeof(float), "float" },
    { typeof(double), "double" },
    { typeof(decimal), "decimal" },
    { typeof(object), "object" },
    { typeof(bool), "bool" },
    { typeof(char), "char" },
    { typeof(string), "string" },
    { typeof(void), "void" }

This doesn't use reflection, strictly speaking, but you can get to the type's alias by using CodeDOM:

Type t = column.DataType;    // Int64

string typeName;
using (var provider = new CSharpCodeProvider())
    var typeRef = new CodeTypeReference(t);
    typeName = provider.GetTypeOutput(typeRef);

Console.WriteLine(typeName);    // long

(Having said that, I think that the other answers suggesting that you just use a mapping from CLR types to C# aliases are probably the best way to go with this one.)

In case someone needs the dictionary with nullables:

private static readonly Dictionary<Type, string> Aliases = new Dictionary<Type, string>()
        { typeof(byte), "byte" },
        { typeof(sbyte), "sbyte" },
        { typeof(short), "short" },
        { typeof(ushort), "ushort" },
        { typeof(int), "int" },
        { typeof(uint), "uint" },
        { typeof(long), "long" },
        { typeof(ulong), "ulong" },
        { typeof(float), "float" },
        { typeof(double), "double" },
        { typeof(decimal), "decimal" },
        { typeof(object), "object" },
        { typeof(bool), "bool" },
        { typeof(char), "char" },
        { typeof(string), "string" },
        { typeof(void), "void" },
        { typeof(Nullable<byte>), "byte?" },
        { typeof(Nullable<sbyte>), "sbyte?" },
        { typeof(Nullable<short>), "short?" },
        { typeof(Nullable<ushort>), "ushort?" },
        { typeof(Nullable<int>), "int?" },
        { typeof(Nullable<uint>), "uint?" },
        { typeof(Nullable<long>), "long?" },
        { typeof(Nullable<ulong>), "ulong?" },
        { typeof(Nullable<float>), "float?" },
        { typeof(Nullable<double>), "double?" },
        { typeof(Nullable<decimal>), "decimal?" },
        { typeof(Nullable<bool>), "bool?" },
        { typeof(Nullable<char>), "char?" }