Is there a way to list available/configured AWS CLI profiles?

You can list profiles in your aws config/credential files using list-profiles:

aws configure list-profiles

This is working for me with aws-cli version 2.0.8.

(Answering my own question.)

No, there is not.

I wrote two scripts that include the parsing I ended up using. For anyone interested, they're available in two GitHub repositories:

awscli-mfa and aws-scripts

There are two related blog articles : "AWS CLI Key Rotation Script for IAM Users revisited", and "Easy MFA and Profile Switching in AWS CLI".

(update 2019-01-27: the blog article "Easy MFA and Profile Switching in AWS CLI" is out of date as it refers to the script version 1.x while the rewritten 2.x has been released. An updated blog article is forthcoming, but in the meanwhile, please refer to the awscli-mfa repository documentation)

Parsing ~/.aws/credentials was simple enough for me.

$ cat ~/.aws/credentials | grep -o '\[[^]]*\]'

=> [default] [other_profile] [other_profile2]

I also aliased the command into aws-profiles by adding the following line into my ~/.bash_profile

alias aws-profiles="cat ~/.aws/credentials | grep -o '\[[^]]*\]'"

utilizing a profile

add --profile <profile_name> to your aws command. Ex. $ aws s3 cp ~/my.pdf s3://my_bucket/my.pdf --profile other_profile2