Drupal - Is there a way to manually run cron with Drush?

You can try drush core-cron

$ drush help core-cron
Run all cron hooks in all active modules for specified site.

Aliases: cron

You can use drush core-cron or just drush cron

If you wish to use drush to run cron from a crontab, it's best to run cron as the web server user, and supply it with additional arguments to make up the lack of a terminal and supply environment variables.

The drush documentation explains it best either at docs/cron.html or run drush topic docs-cron.

Personally I use server wide site aliases so I omit --root and --uri and use @some.site instead for a single site. If you have defined group aliases, you can run cron on the whole group by using @some.group. More information on site aliases if you are interested, otherwise drush docs-aliases.

You could use drush core-cron command that would run the cron . For more detailing about the commands that drush provides us is there on https://drushcommands.com/


