Apple - Is there a way to mount a disk directly to a specific folder?

"So my initial question is can I some how mount a drive to a specific folder, Like I would normally do in linux?"

Absolutely. The caveat is that the user who is mounting the volume must be the mount-point owner. You do NOT need to be root or use sudo to mount a disk.

The first thing is to identify your raw device. diskutil list will do that nicely.

For example, if I have a FAT32 USB stick that I want to mount in my home dir, I list my devices and see that my raw device is /dev/disk5s1. As a normal user, I can mount it in my home directory by:

mkdir ~/mount
mount -r -t msdos /dev/disk5s1 ~/mount

If you then cd ~/mount ; ls, you'll see the contents of the USB stick.

In this example, I mounted it read-only, but you can mount your device any way you like.

When you're done with the device, don't forget to unmount it, e.g.:

diskutil unmount ~/mount

This is described in comments, but it ought to be put into an answer. In MacOS 10.11.6 (and probably later versions), you can use

diskutil mount -mountPoint ~/mount /dev/disk5s1

Unlike using mount, it's not necessary to specify the filesystem type, at least for hfs type disks (all that I have tried).

I found that I had to sudo to root to do this either using mount as in @TraneFranks' answer, or with diskutil mount as above, even though I own the mount point directory. I don't understand why sudo is needed. Using diskutil mount without -mountPoint, the disk is mounted in a default location in /Volumes, and I don't need to be root. However, I recommend keeping in mind that sudo might be needed, because the error message without it is mysterious.