Is there a way to not select whitespace after a word when double-clicking?

I double click on the word, but hold the second click and drag it slightly. For some reason selecting multiple whole words (double-click and drag) doesn't select the whitespace afterwards, so you can double-click and drag just the one word.

As far as I am aware, this is the default behaviour.

What I often do is to double-click the word and then hold shift and press the left arrow key (application allowing). I have found this to be the quickest method rather than attempting to precisely select the word under scrutiny with the mouse which is often a little tricky and fiddly.

A quick way to select a word without the trailing space

  1. Double-click a word.
  2. Without releasing the mouse button after the second click, move the mouse a tiny bit to the left.
  3. Release.

Tested on Windows 10 (build 17758).

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