Is there a way to remove white margins when importing a pdf file?

A new command that works like \includegraphics, but crops the pdf image:

    \immediate\write18{pdfcrop #2}%

Remember: \write18 needs to be enabled. For most TeX distros set the --shell-escape flag when running latex/pdflatex etc.




    \immediate\write18{pdfcrop #2}%


Avoid cropping on every compile

To avoid cropping on every document compilation, you could check if the cropped file already exists. (some checksum would be better)



        \immediate\write18{pdfcrop #2 #2-crop.pdf}}%


MD5 Checksum Example

The Idea is to save the MD5 of the image and compare it on the next run. This requires the \pdf@filemdfivesum macro (only works with PDFLaTeX or LuaLaTeX). For XeLaTeX You could use \write18 with md5sum utility or do a file diff.




        %file changed
        \immediate\write18{pdfcrop #2 #2-crop.pdf}}%
        \immediate\write\@auxout{\string\expandafter\string\gdef\string\csname\space #2mdfivesum\string\endcsname{\temp@mdfivesum}}%


