Is there a way to stop/disable a Google Cloud Function?
Follow up for anyone else looking for this, I created an ENV variable and added an if check before my function executes. Ex:
if os.environ['functionOn'] == 'true':
# insert previous function code here
Can change function on/off with ENV variable change from console + redeploy.
You cannot disable a function. Just comment the function body. It would be a good practice to log the call in the console and then return null so you can keep track whenever the function is invoked.
I am not sure if this is late but what I did is that I deleted/commented the function I don't need and deployed again using firebase deploy --only functions . Once run, it shows that the function is being deleted. Hope this helpsGCF Deployment
Do not export the function. That way you can still keep it unmodified and yet be able to disable it.