Is there a way to view a list
You can also use a package called listviewer
jsonedit( myList )
I use str
to see the structure of any object, especially complex list's
Rstudio shows you the structure by clicking at the blue arrow in the data-window:
If you have a really large list, you can look at part of it using
str(myList, max.level=1)
(If you don't feel like typing out the second argument, it can be written as max=1
since there are no other arguments that start with max
I do this often enough that I have an alias in my .Rprofile
for it:
str1 <- function(x, ...) str(x, max.level=1, ...)
And a couple others that limit the printed output (see example(str)
for an example of using list.len
strl <- function(x, len=10L, ...) str(x, list.len=len, ...) # lowercase L in the func name
str1l <- function(x, len=10L, ...) str(x, max.level=1, list.len=len, ...)
Here's a few ways to look at a list:
Look at one element of a list:
Look at the head of one element of a list:
See the elements that are in a list neatly:
See the structure of a list (more in depth):
Alternatively, as suggested above you could make a custom print method as such:
printList <- function(list) {
for (item in 1:length(list)) {
The above will print out the head of each item in the list.