Is there a way to view cookies in Opera, Safari and Internet Explorer

In Opera it is built-in, and you have two choices. The first is to use the super-useful site preferences dialog (found in the context menu):

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The second is to use the cookie manager (ToolsAdvancedCookies...), which lists every site and every cookie; you can quick search through it easily too.

With either method every cookie value is editable, so you can easily hack your cookies:

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I also setup a custom mouse gesture where I draw a C on a page and I trigger a JavaScript function to show me the cookies in a dialog - this JavaScript should be usable on any browser:

javascript:alert('Cookies stored by this host or domain:\n\n' + document.cookie.replace(/; /g,'\n'));

CookieSpy is a free tool to view IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera cookies.

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