is there an Emacs org-mode command to jump to an org heading?

I have this command bound to M-o: (imenu-anywhere).

It allows you to quickly jump to sections (selected from a list of all sections). It does not only work in org-mode, but in many other modes as well.

Not sure if this works for you but there is a org-goto function C-c C-j.

Once you invoke it you can scroll the tree using up and down keys or using a search C-s.

Here's a snippet from the docs.

C-c C-j     (org-goto)

Jump to a different place without changing the current outline visibility.
Shows the document structure in a temporary buffer, where you can use the
following keys to find your destination:

          <TAB>         Cycle visibility.
          <down> / <up>   Next/previous visible headline.
          <RET>         Select this location.
          /           Do a Sparse-tree search
          The following keys work if you turn off org-goto-auto-isearch
          n / p        Next/previous visible headline.
          f / b        Next/previous headline same level.
          u            One level up.
          0-9          Digit argument.
          q            Quit

Here is an interesting thread from the org mailing list discussing navigation.

Essentially, add this to your init file:

(setq org-goto-interface 'outline-path-completion
      org-goto-max-level 10)

And you can jump to heading with the org-goto command C-c C-j. You can also use C-u C-c C-w org-refile by adding this to your init file:

(setq org-outline-path-complete-in-steps nil)



Org Mode