Is there an interface similar to Callable but with arguments?

Since Java 8 there is a whole set of Function-like interfaces in the java.util.function package. The one you're asking for specifically is simply Function.

Prior to Java 8, there was no general-purpose, built-in interface for this, but some libraries provided it.

For example Guava has the Function<F,T> interface with the method T apply(F input). It also makes heavy use of that interface in several places.

at first it thought that this is done with an interface but then i found that it should be done using an abstract class.

i have solved it this way:

edit: lately i just use this:

    public static abstract class callback1<T>{
         public abstract  void run(T value);

    public static abstract class callback2<T,J>{
         public abstract  void run(T value,J value2);

    public static abstract class callback3<T,J,Z>{
         public abstract  void run(T value,J value2,Z value3);

    public static abstract class callbackret1<R,T>{
         public abstract  R run(T value);

    public static abstract class callbackret2<R,T,J>{
         public abstract  R run(T value,J value2);

    public static abstract class callbackret3<R,T,J,Z>{
         public abstract  R run(T value,J value2,Z value3);

public abstract class CallBack<TRet,TArg> {
    public abstract TRet call(TArg val);

define method:

class Sample2 
    CallBack<Void,String> cb;
    void callcb(CallBack<Void,String> CB)
     cb=CB; //save the callback"yes!"); // call the callback

use method:

sample2.callcb(new CallBack<Void,String>(){
        public Void call(String val) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub
            return null;

two arguments sample:

public abstract class CallBack2<TRet,TArg1,TArg2> {
    public abstract TRet call(TArg1 val1,TArg2 val2);

notice that when you use Void return type you have to use return null; so here is a variation to fix that because usually callbacks do not return any value.

void as return type:

public abstract class SimpleCallBack<TArg> {
    public abstract void call(TArg val);

void as return type 2 args:

public abstract class SimpleCallBack<TArg1,TArg2> {
    public abstract void call(TArg1 val1,TArg2 val2);

interface is not useful for this.

interfaces allow multiple types match same type. by having a shared predefined set of functions.

abstract classes allow empty functions inside them to be completed later. at extending or instantiation.


