Is there an odd-order group whose order is the sum of the orders of the proper normal subgroups?

I did a little computer search and I think I found an example of an odd immaculate group.

I searched for groups of the form $G=(C_q \rtimes C_p) \times C_N$ with odd primes $p,q$ such that $p | q-1$ and $N$ an odd integer satisfying $(N,pq)=1$. Using Tom's notations and results, we have

\begin{equation*} \frac{D(G)}{|G|} = \frac{D(C_q \rtimes C_p)}{|C_q \rtimes C_p|} \cdot \frac{D(C_N)}{|C_N|} = \frac{1+q+pq}{pq} \cdot \frac{\sigma(N)}{N} \end{equation*} where $\sigma(N)$ denotes the sum of divisors of $N$. We want $\frac{\sigma(N)}{N} = \frac{2pq}{1+q+pq}$. Since the last fraction is irreducible, $N$ has to be of the form $N=(1+q+pq)m$ with $m$ odd. I found the following solution :

\begin{equation*} p=7, \quad q=127, \quad m=393129. \end{equation*} This gives the immaculate group $G=(C_{127} \rtimes C_7) \times C_{399812193}$, which has order $|G| = 355433039577 = 3^4 \cdot 7 \cdot 11^2 \cdot 19^2 \cdot 113 \cdot 127$.

Edit : here is the beginning of an explanation of "why" $m$ is square in this example ($393129=627^2$). Recall that an integer $n \geq 1$ is a square if and only if its number of divisors is odd (consider the involution $d \mapsto \frac{n}{d}$ on the set of divisors of $n$). If $n$ is odd, then all its divisors are odd, so that $n$ is a square if and only if $\sigma(n)$ is odd. Now consider $N=(1+q+pq)m$ as above. The condition on $\sigma(N)/N$ implies that $\sigma(N)$ is even but not divisible by $4$.

If we assume that $1+q+pq$ and $m$ are coprime, then $\sigma(N)=\sigma(1+q+pq) \sigma(m)$, so the reasoning above shows that $1+q+pq$ or $m$ is a square (but not both). If $1+q+pq=\alpha^2$ then $\alpha \equiv \pm 1 \pmod{q}$ so that $\alpha \geq q-1$, which leads to a contradiction. Thus $m$ is a square (it is possible to show further that $1+q+pq$ is a prime times a square).

If $1+q+pq$ and $m$ are not coprime, the situation is more intricate (this is what happens in the example I found : we had $\operatorname{gcd}(1+q+pq,m)=9$). Let $m'$ be the largest divisor of $m$ which is relatively prime to $1+q+pq$. Put $m=\lambda m'$. Then $\lambda(1+q+pq)$ or $m$ is a square. I don't see an argument for excluding the first possibility, but at least if $\lambda$ is a square then so is $m$.

Almost a decade late to the party, but here is another example:

$$(C_7 \rtimes C_{3^2}) \times (C_{19^2} \rtimes C_5) \times C_{11^2 \cdot 197} = \text{SmallGroup}(63, 1) \times \text{SmallGroup}(1805, 2) \times C_{23837}.$$ where $\text{SmallGroup}(a,b)$ denotes the $b$th group of order $a$ according to the database of GAP. Then: $$\frac{D(C_7 \rtimes C_{3^2})}{|C_7 \rtimes C_{3^2}|}\frac{D(C_{19^2}\rtimes C_5)}{|C_{19^2}\rtimes C_5|}\frac{D(C_{11^2})}{|C_{11^2}|}\frac{D(C_{197})}{|C_{197}|} = \frac{95}{63}\cdot \frac{2167}{1805}\cdot \frac{133}{121}\cdot \frac{198}{197} $$ $$=\frac{5 \cdot 19}{3^2\cdot 7} \cdot\frac{11 \cdot 197}{5\cdot19^2}\cdot \frac{7 \cdot 19}{11^2}\cdot \frac{2 \cdot3^2\cdot 11}{197}=2.$$ This group is of order $2710624455$ and is thus about 100 times smaller than François Brunault's example.

I found this group for a project for one of my courses. Immaculate groups seem to be very rare in general, examples of order are even harder to find. For further results, see

Immaculate groups of odd order do exist; for example (C13 : C3) x C477, a group of order 18603. In fact, I happen to be writing a paper with Attila Maróti precisely about immaculate groups...