Is there any way to rename a Cargo project?

Under Linux this is fairly strait forward:

  • go to the directory where your project is located e.g. if your project was called hello_world in a folder named rust then go to the rust folder pi@raspberrypi:~/workspace/rust/hello_world $ cd ..
  • from there you can rename the project by
    1. mv [current name of the project] [name you want] to move. E.g. if I wanted to rename it from hello_world to hello_rust I would type mv hello_world/ hello_rust/ to rename the folder.
    2. now you only have to change the name in your Cargo.toml file:
      • pi@raspberrypi:~/workspace/rust $ cd hello_rust/
      • pi@raspberrypi:~/workspace/rust/hello_rust $ geany Cargo.toml
      • (I am using geany but you can use whatever text editor you like)
      • in Cargo.toml in the second line change
      • name = "hello_world" to name = "hello_rust"

Hope that this might help someone in the future

I think that you should change it manually. Not so difficult, really.

I run this code:

$ cargo new smurf --bin
     Created binary (application) `smurf` project
$ cd smurf/
smurf$ cargo build
smurf$ grep -rl smurf .

From all these files, the whole target may be just deleted. The .lock file can also be deleted. And the Cargo.toml... well you can just edit it.

I tried changing only the Cargo.toml and all just works. However you end up with useless files in target so I recommend deleting those anyway.