Is there anything in Rust to convert a binary string to an integer?

First of all, you should be using the official docs; those you pointed to are way outdated.

You have a string and you can't format a string as an integer. I think what you want is a parser. Here's a version using from_str_radix:

fn main() {
    let bin_idx = "01110011001";
    let intval = isize::from_str_radix(bin_idx, 2).unwrap();
    println!("{}", intval);


As an alternative you can use:

let bstr = "11010101";
let i = i32::from_str_radix(bstr, 2).expect("Not a binary number!");

Which should print 213.

EDIT: Posted that answer as I thought isize for some reason was not available in my embedded rust project. Was just a typo though...