Is there anyway to get COMPREPLY to be output as a vertical list of words instead in a single line?
I'm the one that suggested changing the completion-display-width
readline variable at /r/bash, but then you didn't specify you only wanted it to work on this one completion function.
Anyway, in a completion function, you can detect whether it's triggered by TAB (COMP_TYPE == 9) or by TABTAB (COMP_TYPE == 63), and if the latter is the case, you could pad the results with spaces so they fill the entire width of the terminal. It's the least hackish thing I can think of. It would look something like this:
_foo_complete() {
local i file files
files=( ~/work/dev/jobs/"$2"* )
[[ -e ${files[0]} || -L ${files[0]} ]] || return 0
if (( COMP_TYPE == 63 )); then
for file in "${files[@]}"; do
printf -v 'COMPREPLY[i++]' '%*s' "-$COLUMNS" "${file##*/}"
COMPREPLY=( "${files[@]##*/}" )
complete -F _foo_complete foo
On a side note, you really shouldn't parse ls output.
To modify a readline variable for just a particular completion function, you can set the readline variable during function execution and then have $PROMPT_COMMAND
change it back.
_foo_complete() {
# retrieve the original value
local width=$(bind -v | sed -n 's/^set completion-display-width //p')
if [[ $width -ne 0 ]]; then
# change the readline variable
bind "set completion-display-width 0"
# set up PROMPT_COMMAND to reset itself to its current value
# set up PROMPT_COMMAND to reset the readline variable
PROMPT_COMMAND+="; bind 'set completion-display-width $width'"
# whatever the function normally does follows
complete -F _foo_complete foo