Is there something like a lorem ipsum generator?

You can use the perl library libtext-lorem-perl. Here a short example, feel free to expand it to parse command line arguments, etc.

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use Text::Lorem;

my $text = Text::Lorem->new();
$paragraphs = $text->paragraphs(10);

print $paragraphs;

found this at Bash One-Liners

 tr -dc a-z1-4 </dev/urandom | tr 1-2 ' \n' | awk 'length==0 || length>50' | tr 3-4 ' ' | sed 's/^ *//' | cat -s | sed 's/ / /g' |fmt

must be limited by another command or generates text infintely

Fedora and Arch Linux's AUR have a lorem-ipsum-generator package:

lorem-ipsum-generator -p 10 -l

will do exactly what you are asking for.

Another DIY alternative :

info bash -o -|shuf -n50|sed 's/  */ /g;s/^ //'|fmt -w 90

This outputs bash documentation into stdout, pipes it to shuf which randomly selects 50 lines, then sed removes multiple and leading spaces, and finally fmt formats it to lines approximately 90 characters long.

Of course this is just a starting point and you might need to refine the output, for which sed, tr and other string manipulators will help.

shuf, fmt and tr are parts of coreutils (which has a great chance of being already installed on your GNU/Linux distribution).