Is this a common LCD display?

I know this post is old but I just recently took apart a Kodak ESP 7 AiO printer and found a lcd just like this. Mine is a 3". The connector looks a little different but has the same amount of pins. It had a number printed on the back 59.03A13.001.
When I googled that number I got a model number A030DN01-V0. I looked at the data sheets and everything looks pretty good. I havent thoroughly looked through it yet.

Datasheet Mirror


That display is almost assuredly a graphics display. That would make it MUCH different from a HD44780 style display that natively displays characters.

Enough information is not provided to determine if this display has a controller onboard that is capable of receiving the graphics display pixels and managing the refreshing of the screen to keep the display alive. Alternatively this display could be one of the type where a real time video signal needs to be fed to the display in order to keep the screen active. In this alternate mode the display would be working similar to a computer driven LCD monitor that requires a continuous feed of a VGA or DVI video signal to keep the screen active.

In either case be prepared for a fair amount of work to get the display going. Personally I would suggest that you begin work with something that you can get some decent information on it in order to figure out what it does and how you can "talk" to it.