Is this the approved way to acess data adjacent to/packaged with a Python script?

Resources living on the filesystem

The standard way to read a file adjacent to your python script would be:

a) If you've got python>=3.4 I'd suggest you use the pathlib module, like this:

from pathlib import Path

def fetch_wordlist(filename="wordlist.txt"):
    return (Path(__file__).parent / filename).read_text()

if __name__ == '__main__':

b) And if you're still using a python version <3.4 or you still want to use the good old os.path module you should do something like this:

import os

def fetch_wordlist(filename="wordlist.txt"):
    with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), filename)) as f:

if __name__ == '__main__':

Also, I'd suggest you capture exceptions in the outer callers, the above methods are standard way to read files in python so you don't need wrap them in a function like fetch_wordlist, said otherwise, reading files in python is an "atomic" operation.

Now, it may happen that you've frozen your program using some freezer such as cx_freeze, pyinstaller or similars... in that case you'd need to detect that, here's a simple way to check it out:

a) using os.path:

if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False):
    app_path = os.path.dirname(sys.executable)
elif __file__:
    app_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)

b) using pathlib:

if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False):
    app_path = Path(sys.executable).parent
elif __file__:
    app_path = Path(__file__).parent

Resources living inside a zip file

The above solutions would work if the code lives on the file system but it wouldn't work if the package is living inside a zip file, when that happens you could use either importlib.resources (new in version 3.7) or pkg_resources combo as you've already shown in the question (or you could wrap up in some helpers) or you could use a nice 3rd party library called importlib_resources that should work with the old&modern python versions:

  • pypi:
  • documentation:

Specifically for your particular problem I'd suggest you take a look to this

If you want to know what that library is doing behind the curtains because you're not willing to install any 3rd party library you can find the code for py2 here and py3 here in case you wanted to get the relevant bits for your particular problem

I'm going to go out on a limb and make an assumption because it may drastically simplify your problem. The only way I can imagine that you can claim that this data is "stored in a file that will always be in the same location as the script" is because you created this data, once, and put it in a file in the source code directory. Even though this data is binary, have you considered making the data a literal byte-string in a python file, and then simply importing it as you would anything else?