Is using a DB prefix for tables more secure?

This is security through obscurity. While it might not hurt you in all cases, on it's own it does not provide viable security. Do not rely on this as your protection.

A short parable

Let's say you keep your money in a jar labeled MONEY in your house. Since you know you sometimes forget to lock the door when you leave the house, you relabel the jar COOKIESto prevent a thief from finding it. Would you feel more secure now? Sure, a very lazy, dumb thief might miss it, but you would not have to be a master thief to steal your money. Wouldn't it be better to just remember to lock the door instead?

Back to the computer world

Let's say you have an old phpBB installation with an SQL injection vulnerability. By default the tables are prefixed by phpbb_. You change this to obscure_. Will this help you?

A naive scan might fail to find hard coded table names (like phpbb_users with all the passwords), and therefore fail. But even a script kiddie could run a script that runs a SHOW TABLES and finds your obscure_users. In fact, there are tools that will automatically dump the contents of all your tables through a SQL injection vulnerability.


So what is the lesson here? While changing table prefixes (relabeling the jar) might perhaps protect you from the most basic dumb automated attack (the stupid, lazy thief), you would still be vulnerable to simple attacks performed by script kiddies (a thief searching through your jars). When you have a real vulnerability like SQL injection, the solution is to fix that vulnerability (lock the door), and not to add a thin veil of obscurity.

That said, a simple precaution that might slow down some attacks might still be worthwhile as "defence in depth" if it has no harmful side effects. Just don't feel safe just because you implement it.

(As an addendum, I should say that running multiple installations in the same database might come with security implications on it's own, depending on the situation.)

No, it's snake oil.

When someone finds an SQL injection vulnerability in an application, then not knowing the table names is only a very minor hurdle. Many stock injection payloads (like the good old universal password ' OR '1' = '1) do not even need to know any table name. And if the attacker discovers a way to dump data from arbitrary tables, they just have to dump the system-table INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES (or equivalent, depending on used database system) and they get the names of all other tables.

It's not necessarily toxic snake oil, though. Being able to have multiple installations share the same database can be a legitimate feature (like on a low-budget web hoster which only allows you to use a single database on their MySQL cluster) and as long as you only have a random prefix and the table names are still human-readable it doesn't affect maintenance that much. But it doesn't add much security.

In widely adopted DBMS-based systems like WordPress, it's common practice to configure an instance to use table names like my_fav_prefix_posts in place of wp_posts.

Why? It purportedly slows down script kiddies.

A few years ago there was a spate of mass attacks on WordPress instances. Unsophisticated cybercriminals (script kiddies) used unsophisticated attack software (scripts) to touch large numbers of servers looking for vulnerabilities. When the scripts didn't find the wp_posts table they moved on to the next server in their attack list. Of course, a couple of weeks later the scripts became a little more sophisticated and WordPress instances could no longer hide their tables in plain sight.

I suppose that's the origin of the myth that alternative database prefixes give an extra layer of security. They don't.

