Is voltage divider applicable on circuits where there is no ground?

Yes. Consider a more general case and apply the superposition theorem:


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

$$ V_o = V_o(V1) + V_o(V2) = V1 \frac{R2}{R1+R2} + V2 \frac{R1}{R1+R2}$$

"Ground" is (usually) just a label we put on the point in a circuit that we want to call "Zero Volts" -it has no special magic properties.

A voltage divider will work whether or not one end of it is connected to "Ground". Vout is still proportional to the resistor values, but the total voltage is Vin-Vb (Vb = voltage at the bottom of R2), and will be shifted by the difference in voltage between Vb "ground".