issue with hhline and cellcolor in table

I have two MWEs: the last one cure both problems, the first does not cure the small green spaces.

Using hhline

You have forgotten to turn on arrayrowcolor{black} two places. In addition, the hhline- syntax was wrong one place. I have not found a solution for the small spaces in the horizontal borders (yet). It is the green coloured arrayrule under the multirow that overwrite the vertical line.

Not related: You load multirow twice.

% General document formatting
\usepackage{multirow, hhline}

% Related to math


            {\cellcolor[HTML]{C0E5C6}}Modell-Überkategorien   &\multicolumn{2}{c}{}    \\ 
            statisch                &\multicolumn{2}{c}{}   \\ 
            zufällig (Monte-Carlo)  &\multicolumn{2}{c}{}   \\ 
            \cellcolor[HTML]{E2EFD9} & \cellcolor[HTML]{E2EFD9} Kontinuirlich & \cellcolor[HTML]{E2EFD9} \\
            \cellcolor[HTML]{E2EFD9} & \cellcolor[HTML]{E2EFD9} Hybrid & \cellcolor[HTML]{E2EFD9}\\
            & \cellcolor[HTML]{E2EFD9} Diskret & \cellcolor[HTML]{E2EFD9} \multirow{-3}{*}{Raum/Zeit}  \\ 
            \cellcolor[HTML]{E2EFD9} (Multi)-Agenten basiert &\multicolumn{2}{c}{} \\ 

enter image description here

Using cals

Your tabular is much easier to build using cals.

% General document formatting

% Related to math

\let\nc=\nullcell                                                  % Shortcuts




% Defining 3 column relativ to each other and relativ to the margins
% The tabular fills 5/8 of the text area

% Set up the tabular
\def\cals@framers@width{0.4pt}   % Outside frame horizontal rules
\def\cals@framecs@width{0.4pt}   % Outside frame horizontal rules, reduce
                                 % thickness if you find them too heavy
\def\cals@cs@width{0.4pt}        % Inside rules, reduce if the rule is too heavy
\def\cals@bgcolor{}              % Define cals@bgcolor to empty

\def\green{\ifx\cals@bgcolor\empty      % Colour switch (on-off)
\else \def\cals@bgcolor{} \fi}

\def\lgreen{\ifx\cals@bgcolor\empty     % Colour switch (on-off)
\else \def\cals@bgcolor{} \fi}

\def\tb{\ifx\cals@borderT\relax     % Top border switch (off-on)
\else \let\cals@borderT\relax\fi}

\def\bb{\ifx\cals@borderB\relax     % Botton border switch (off-on)
\else \let\cals@borderB\relax\fi}

\def\rb{\ifx\cals@borderR\relax     % Right border switch (off-on)
\else \let\cals@borderR\relax\fi}

% R1 Body
% R2 Body
% R3 Body
    \cell{zufällig (Monte-Carlo)}
% R4 Body
% R5 Body
% R6 Body
    \nc{lrb}\sc{\vfil dynamisch}
    \nc{lrb}\sc{\vfil Raum/Zeit}
% R7 Body
    \cell{(Multi)-Agenten basiert}\lgreen
\end{calstable}\par % \par needed to align the tabular


enter image description here

Small modification of first example (+1) regarding use of colors in table in the nice Sveinung answer (for exercise)):

% General document formatting
\usepackage{multirow, hhline}

% Related to math
\definecolor{col1}{HTML}{C0E5C6}    % <---
\definecolor{col2}{HTML}{E2EFD9}    % <---


\cellcolor{col1}{Modell-Überkategorien} % <---
                        &   \multicolumn{2}{c}{}    \\
statisch                &   \multicolumn{2}{c}{}    \\
zufällig (Monte-Carlo)  &   \multicolumn{2}{c}{}    \\
                        & Kontinuirlich &           \\  % <---
                        & Hybrid        &           \\
                        & Diskret       & \multirow{-3}{*}{Raum/Zeit}   \\
\cellcolor{col2} (Multi)-Agenten basiert
                        &   \multicolumn{2}{c}{}    \\

Result is the same as in his answer.