ist und ein satzglied code example

Example 1: ist und ein satzglied

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import os
import pickle
from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense, LSTM, Dropout
from tensorflow.keras.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint
from string import punctuation

sequence_length = 100
# dataset file path
FILE_PATH = "data/wonderland.txt"
# FILE_PATH = "data/"
BASENAME = os.path.basename(FILE_PATH)

# commented because already downloaded
# import requests
# content = requests.get("").text
# open("data/wonderland.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8").write(content)

# read the data
text = open(FILE_PATH, encoding="utf-8").read()
# remove caps, comment this code if you want uppercase characters as well
text = text.lower()
# remove punctuation
text = text.translate(str.maketrans("", "", punctuation))
# print some stats
n_chars = len(text)
vocab = ''.join(sorted(set(text)))
print("unique_chars:", vocab)
n_unique_chars = len(vocab)
print("Number of characters:", n_chars)
print("Number of unique characters:", n_unique_chars)

# dictionary that converts characters to integers
char2int = {c: i for i, c in enumerate(vocab)}
# dictionary that converts integers to characters
int2char = {i: c for i, c in enumerate(vocab)}

# save these dictionaries for later generation
pickle.dump(char2int, open(f"{BASENAME}-char2int.pickle", "wb"))
pickle.dump(int2char, open(f"{BASENAME}-int2char.pickle", "wb"))

# convert all text into integers
encoded_text = np.array([char2int[c] for c in text])
# construct object
char_dataset =
# print first 5 characters
for char in char_dataset.take(8):
    print(char.numpy(), int2char[char.numpy()])

# build sequences by batching
sequences = char_dataset.batch(2*sequence_length + 1, drop_remainder=True)

# print sequences
for sequence in sequences.take(2):
    print(''.join([int2char[i] for i in sequence.numpy()]))

def split_sample(sample):
    # example :
    # sequence_length is 10
    # sample is "python is a great pro" (21 length)
    # ds will equal to ('python is ', 'a') encoded as integers
    ds =[:sequence_length], sample[sequence_length]))
    for i in range(1, (len(sample)-1) // 2):
        # first (input_, target) will be ('ython is a', ' ')
        # second (input_, target) will be ('thon is a ', 'g')
        # third (input_, target) will be ('hon is a g', 'r')
        # and so on
        input_ = sample[i: i+sequence_length]
        target = sample[i+sequence_length]
        # extend the dataset with these samples by concatenate() method
        other_ds =, target))
        ds = ds.concatenate(other_ds)
    return ds

# prepare inputs and targets
dataset = sequences.flat_map(split_sample)

def one_hot_samples(input_, target):
    # onehot encode the inputs and the targets
    # Example:
    # if character 'd' is encoded as 3 and n_unique_chars = 5
    # result should be the vector: [0, 0, 0, 1, 0], since 'd' is the 4th character
    return tf.one_hot(input_, n_unique_chars), tf.one_hot(target, n_unique_chars)

dataset =
# print first 2 samples
for element in dataset.take(2):
    print("Input:", ''.join([int2char[np.argmax(char_vector)] for char_vector in element[0].numpy()]))
    print("Target:", int2char[np.argmax(element[1].numpy())])
    print("Input shape:", element[0].shape)
    print("Target shape:", element[1].shape)
    print("="*50, "\n")

# repeat, shuffle and batch the dataset
ds = dataset.repeat().shuffle(1024).batch(BATCH_SIZE, drop_remainder=True)

# building the model
# model = Sequential([
#     LSTM(128, input_shape=(sequence_length, n_unique_chars)),
#     Dense(n_unique_chars, activation="softmax"),
# ])

# a better model (slower to train obviously)
model = Sequential([
    LSTM(256, input_shape=(sequence_length, n_unique_chars), return_sequences=True),
    Dense(n_unique_chars, activation="softmax"),


model.compile(loss="categorical_crossentropy", optimizer="adam", metrics=["accuracy"])

if not os.path.isdir("results"):

# checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint("results/{}-{loss:.2f}.h5".format(BASENAME), verbose=1)

# train the model, steps_per_epoch=(len(encoded_text) - sequence_length) // BATCH_SIZE, epochs=EPOCHS)
# save the model"results/{BASENAME}-{sequence_length}.h5")

Example 2: ist und ein satzglied

import tkinter as tk


Misc Example