It's Anagram Quine, not just Quine!

Unary, 100%

This is essentially the same as the Lenguage answer because of how the two are related. I think it's worth noting, though. I scored it as 100% because every permutation of the code will result in a quine of itself and I see that as X/X * 100 = 100%.

5.71728886e+3431 zeroes. The full number can be found in this snippet:


The Brainf*ck equivalent is in this snippet:


Source of source

Lenguage, 100%

5.71728886e+3431 null bytes. The full number can be found in this snippet:


Jelly, 33.333...%


Try it online!

Community wiki because I did not write this. If you like this solution, or want an explanation, see Dennis's original post here.