Iterate over lines including blank lines

Try this:

function magiclines(s)
        if s:sub(-1)~="\n" then s=s.."\n" end
        return s:gmatch("(.-)\n")

Here’s a solution utilizing LPEG:

local lpeg      = require "lpeg"
local lpegmatch = lpeg.match
local P, C      = lpeg.P, lpeg.C

local iterlines
  local eol  = P"\r\n" + P"\n\r" + P"\n" + P"\r"
  local line = (1 - eol)^0
  iterlines = function (str, f)
    local lines = ((line / f) * eol)^0 * (line / f)
    return lpegmatch (lines, str)

What you get is a function that can be used in place of an iterator. Its first argument is the string you want to iterate, the second is the action for each match:

--- print each line
iterlines ("foo\nbar\n\njim\n\r\r\nbaz\rfoo\n\nbuzz\n\n\n\n", print)

--- count lines while printf
local n = 0
iterlines ("foo\nbar\nbaz", function (line)
  n = n + 1
  io.write (string.format ("[%2d][%s]\n", n, line))

Here is another lPeg solution because it seems I was writing it at the same time as phg. But since grammars are prettier, I'll still give it to you!

local lpeg = require "lpeg"
local C, V, P = lpeg.C, lpeg.V, lpeg.P

local g = P({ "S",
    S = (C(V("C")^0) * V("N"))^0 * C(V("C")^0),
    C = 1 - V("N"),
    N = P("\r\n") + "\n\r" + "\n" + "\r",

Use it like this:

local test = "Foo\n\nBar\rfoo\r\n\n\n\rbar"
for k,v in pairs({g:match(test)}) do
    print(">", v);

Or just print(g:match(test)) of course