Iterate over Object in Lightning Web Component template

Make the following changes:-

Apex: Class

public class SalesforceObject{
    public String name{set;get;}
    public String label{set;get;}

Lightning Web Component:-

<template iterator:obj={objectList}>
    <p key={}>{obj.value.label}</p>

With a quick test, seems @AuraEnabled as was case with Lightning Aura Component, the annotation is still required to access properties of custom class on a LWC as well.

So to access the properties, you will need to annotate the properties with @AuraEnabled.

public class SalesforceObject {
    @AuraEnabled public String name;
    @AuraEnabled public String label;

And use the same case on the HTML:

<p key={object.label}>{}</p>

For me Iterating over objects works perfectly fine without Annotating the properties in Apex, i am using the @wire like this:

The data received is List sent as response from the Apex. Used @track topNewsServer to assign and iterate in html

Apex method: -

public static Map<String, Object> getTopNewsData(String filter) 
  Map<String, Object> response = new Map<String, Object>();
  //performs logic here to build
  List<Account> accessibleAccounts = [SELECT
                Id, Name
        FROM Account
        ORDER BY LastModifiedDate DESC LIMIT 100];
        response.put('accounts', accessibleAccounts);
        // do something else...
        response.put('values', timelineResponse);
        return response;

@wire(getTopNewsData, {filter: '$topNewsKey'})
wiredTopNewsResponse({ error, data }) {
    if (data) {
        this.loading = false;
        if(data!=null )this.topNewsServer = data.values;
    } else if (error){