Iterate over PSObject properties in PowerShell

This is possible using the hidden property PSObject:

$documents.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object {

This won't work with certain PowerShell-created objects (PSObjects) that contain "NoteProperties" (properties of type NoteProperty).

See this answer for a method that covers all property types.

You might need NoteProperty too with Get-Member.

$documents | Get-Member -membertype property,noteproperty | 
  Foreach name

EDIT: type "properties" seems a more generic catchall

$documents | get-member -type properties | % name

EDIT: dump out all the values:

$obj = ls test.ps1
$obj | Get-Member -Type properties | foreach name | 
  foreach { $_ + ' = ' + $obj.$_ }

Attributes = Normal
CreationTime = 06/01/2019 11:29:03
CreationTimeUtc = 06/01/2019 15:29:03
Directory = /Users/js
DirectoryName = /Users/js
Exists = True
Extension = .ps1
FullName = /Users/js/test.ps1
IsReadOnly = False
LastAccessTime = 06/05/2019 23:19:01
LastAccessTimeUtc = 06/06/2019 03:19:01
LastWriteTime = 06/01/2019 11:29:03
LastWriteTimeUtc = 06/01/2019 15:29:03
Length = 55
Name = test.ps1

An alternative way without "| foreach name", that needs extra parentheses:

$obj | Get-Member -Type properties | 
  foreach { $ + ' = ' + $obj.($ }

Another take which results in an array that's easier to work with, and might be good for objects converted from json:

$a = '{ prop1:1, prop2:2, prop3:3 }' | convertfrom-json     

prop1 prop2 prop3
----- ----- -----
    1     2     3

$a.PSObject.Properties | select name,value

name  value
----  -----
prop1     1
prop2     2
prop3     3

I prefer using foreach to loop through PowerShell objects:

foreach($object_properties in $obj.PsObject.Properties)
    # Access the name of the property

    # Access the value of the property

Generally, foreach has higher performance than Foreach-Object.

And yes, foreach is actually different than Foreach-Object under the hood.

