Iterate through columns in Read-only workbook in openpyxl
If the worksheet has only around 100,000 cells then you shouldn't have any memory problems. You should probably investigate this further.
is not available in read-only mode because it requires constant and very inefficient reparsing of the underlying XML file. It is however, relatively easy to convert rows into columns from iter_rows()
using zip
def _iter_cols(self, min_col=None, max_col=None, min_row=None,
max_row=None, values_only=False):
yield from zip(*self.iter_rows(
min_row=min_row, max_row=max_row,
min_col=min_col, max_col=max_col, values_only=values_only))
import types
for sheet in workbook:
sheet.iter_cols = types.MethodType(_iter_cols, sheet)