iTunes Connect not showing my uploaded IPA

If we upload from Xcode 8, we need to check if any privacy keys to be added in the info.plist.

Like, NSCameraUsageDescription,NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription,NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription,NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription.

In my app I missed to add NSCalendarsUsageDescription.

We should also add description for the key. If not, the build won't appear in itunesconnect.

Hope, this will help someone.

For those that have uploaded their app through Xcode, but don't see it under the 'Build' heading on the 'App Store' tab, do the follow.

Go to the Activity tab and it will show you a list of builds for your app. You should see the app you just uploaded in this list and it will say that it is (Processing).

Wait about 15 - 20 mins for it to process and then you can continue on with listing your app.