Jasmine toEqual for complex objects (mixed with functions)

If anyone is using node.js like myself, the following method is what I use in my Jasmine tests when I am only concerned with comparing the simple properties while ignoring all functions. This method requires json-stable-stringify which is used to sort the object properties prior to serializing.


  var stringify = require('json-stable-stringify');

  var obj1 = {
    func: function() {
    str1: 'str1 value',
    str2: 'str2 value',
    nest1: {
    nest2: {
        val1:'value 1',
        val2:'value 2',
        someOtherFunc: function() {

  var obj2 = {
    str2: 'str2 value',
    str1: 'str1 value',
    func: function() {
    nest1: {
      nest2: {
        otherFunc: function() {
        val2:'value 2',
        val1:'value 1'

  it('should compare object properties', function () {

As Vlad Magdalin pointed out in the comments, making the object to a JSON string, it can be as deep as it is, and functions and File/FileList class. Of course, instead of toString() on the function, it could just be called 'Function'

function replacer(k, v) {
    if (typeof v === 'function') {
        v = v.toString();
    } else if (window['File'] && v instanceof File) {
        v = '[File]';
    } else if (window['FileList'] && v instanceof FileList) {
        v = '[FileList]';
    return v;

        toBeJsonEqual: function(expected){
            var one = JSON.stringify(this.actual, replacer).replace(/(\\t|\\n)/g,''),
                two = JSON.stringify(expected, replacer).replace(/(\\t|\\n)/g,'');

                return one === two;


Try the Underscore _.isEqual() function:

expect(_.isEqual(obj1, obj2)).toEqual(true);

If that works, you could create a custom matcher:

    toDeepEqual: function(expected) {
        return _.isEqual(this.actual, expected);

You can then write specs like the following:


Extending @Vlad Magdalin's answer, this worked in Jasmine 2:


beforeEach(function() {
    toDeepEqual: function(util, customEqualityTesters) {
      return {
        compare: function(actual, expected) {
          var result = {};
          result.pass = _.isEqual(actual, expected);
          return result;

If you're using Karma, put that in the startup callback:

callback: function() {
  // Add custom Jasmine matchers.
  beforeEach(function() {
      toDeepEqual: function(util, customEqualityTesters) {
        return {
          compare: function(actual, expected) {
            var result = {};
            result.pass = _.isEqual(actual, expected);
            return result;
