(5) Write a program to compare the strings given below, String 1 should be compared with all the other strings code example

Example 1: java how to compare strings

System.out.println("hey".equals("hey")); //prints true

	always use .equals() instead of ==,
    because == does the compare the string content but
    loosely where the string is stored in.

Example 2: compare two strings java

String string1 = "using equals method";String string2 = "using equals method";        String string3 = "using EQUALS method";String string4 = new String("using equals method"); assertThat(string1.equals(string2)).isTrue();assertThat(string1.equals(string4)).isTrue(); assertThat(string1.equals(null)).isFalse();assertThat(string1.equals(string3)).isFalse();


Java Example