Java 8 LocalDateTime today at specific hour

Another alternative (specially if you want to change an already existing LocalDateTime) is to use the with() method.

It accepts a TemporalAdjuster as a parameter. And according to javadoc, passing a LocalTime to this method does exactly what you need:

The classes LocalDate and LocalTime implement TemporalAdjuster, thus this method can be used to change the date, time or offset:

   result = localDateTime.with(date);
   result = localDateTime.with(time);

So, the code will be:

LocalDateTime todayAt6 =, 0));

LocalDate has various overloaded atTime methods, such as this one, which takes two arguments (hour of day and minute):

LocalDateTime todayAt6 =, 0);

An alternative to, 0) is:

import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit;;