char to int in c++ code example
Example 1: convert char to int c++
char a = '6'; //bounded by 0 and 9
int n1 = a - '0';
int n2 = a - 48;
int n3 = std::stoi(&a);
Example 2: char to int c++
int x = (int)character - 48;
Example 3: char* to int in cpp
int x = std::stoi("42")
Example 4: converting char to integer c++
int x = '9' - 48;
// x now equals 9 as an integer
Example 5: C++ int to char*
std::string s = std::to_string(number);
char const *pchar = s.c_str(); //use char const* as target type
Example 6: convert char to int c++
int x = character - '0'