classes java code example

Example 1: How to make a class in Java?

// Public creates avaliability to all classes/files
public class Object {
  // Instance of a variable per each class created
  public int a = 1;
  // Private restricts in local space (within these brackets)
  private int b = 5;
  // Defaults as public
  int c = 0;
  // Method Examples
  void setB(int B)
  	b = B;
    // No return b/c 'void'
  int getA()
    return b;
    // Return b/c 'int' in front of method

Example 2: java class

public class Lightsaber {
  // properties
  private boolean isOn;
  private Color color;
  // constructor
  public Lightsaber(Color color) {
    this.isOn = false;
    this.color = color;
  // getters
  public Color getColor() {
    return color;
  public boolean getOnStatus() {
    return isOn;
  // setters
  public void turnOn() {
    isOn = true;
  public void turnOff() {
    isOn = false;

// Implementation in main method:
public class test {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Lightsaber yoda = new Lightsaber(green);

Example 3: java class

//	Example : TestClass (Can be predefined or user-defined)
public class TestClass {
  // properties
  private int id = 111;
  // constructor
  public TestClass(){
  // method
  public void test(){
    // some code here

Example 4: using class in java

class Number {
    	int number;
    	// square numbers
    	public boolean isSquare(){
    		double squareRoot = Math.sqrt(number);
    		if(squareRoot == Math.floor(squareRoot))
    			return true;
    		} else {
    			return false;
    	// triangular numbers
    	public boolean isTriangular(){
    		int x = 1;
    		int triangularNumber = 1;
    		while(triangularNumber < number){
    			triangularNumber = triangularNumber + x;
    		if(triangularNumber == number){
    			return true;
    		} else {
    			return false;
    // testing 
    Number myNumber = new Number();
    myNumber.number = 16;

Example 5: class in java

Class is a blueprint or template which
you can create as many objects as you 
like. Object is a member or instance
of a class.
Class is declared using class keyword,
Object is created through
new keyword mainly. A class is a template
  for objects. A class defines 
object properties including a valid range
    of values, and a default value. 
A class also describes object behavior.

Example 6: java class

abstract class Pesan {
   public void success() {
     System.out.println("Mobil Berhasil Dibeli");
   public void error() {
     System.out.println("Uang Anda Tidak Cukup");
class Car extends Pesan {
    protected String nama = "toyota supra";
    protected String warna = "merah";
    protected int harga = 2000000000;
    protected String brand = "toyota";
class ShowRoom extends Car {
  protected String namaShowroom = "Catur Sentosa Raya";
  protected String alamatShowroom = "Jl.siliwangin kec pancoranmas kota depok 16436";
class Pembeli extends ShowRoom {
    protected String namaPembeli = "anto jayabaya";
    protected String alamatPembeli = "jl.swadaya rt.01/rw.04 no.112 kec pancoranmas kota depok";
    protected int saldoPembeli = 50000000;
class BeliMobil extends Pembeli {
 public BeliMobil(String nama, String warna, int harga, String brand, String nsr, String asr, String np, String ap, int sdp) {
    super.nama = nama;
    super.warna = warna;
    super.harga = harga;
    super.brand = brand;
    super.namaShowroom = nsr;
    super.alamatShowroom = asr;
    super.namaPembeli = np;
    super.alamatPembeli = ap;
    super.saldoPembeli = sdp;
void getResult(String nama, String warna, int harga, String brand, String np, String ap) {
     if(super.harga > super.saldoPembeli) {
     } else {
       System.out.println("Jenis Mobil");
       System.out.println("Nama Mobil:" + nama);
       System.out.println("Warna Mobil:" + warna);
       System.out.println("Harga Mobil:" + harga);
       System.out.println("Brand Mobil:" + brand);
       System.out.println("Nama Pembeli Mobil");
       System.out.println("Nama Pembeli:" + np);
       System.out.println("Nama Pembeli:" + ap);
 public static void main(String[] args) {
   BeliMobil beli = new BeliMobil("avanza", "hitam", 128000000, "toyota", "Jaya Mobil", "Jakarta", "Anton", "Depok", 228000000);
   beli.getResult(beli.nama, beli.warna, beli.harga, beli.brand, beli.namaPembeli, beli.alamatPembeli);


Java Example