java codility training Genomic-range-query

Here is the solution that got 100 out of 100 in Please read about prefix sums to understand the solution:

public static int[] solveGenomicRange(String S, int[] P, int[] Q) {
        //used jagged array to hold the prefix sums of each A, C and G genoms
        //we don't need to get prefix sums of T, you will see why.
        int[][] genoms = new int[3][S.length()+1];
        //if the char is found in the index i, then we set it to be 1 else they are 0
        //3 short values are needed for this reason
        short a, c, g;
        for (int i=0; i<S.length(); i++) {
            a = 0; c = 0; g = 0;
            if ('A' == (S.charAt(i))) {
            if ('C' == (S.charAt(i))) {
            if ('G' == (S.charAt(i))) {
            //here we calculate prefix sums. To learn what's prefix sums look at here
            genoms[0][i+1] = genoms[0][i] + a;
            genoms[1][i+1] = genoms[1][i] + c;
            genoms[2][i+1] = genoms[2][i] + g;

        int[] result = new int[P.length];
        //here we go through the provided P[] and Q[] arrays as intervals
        for (int i=0; i<P.length; i++) {
            int fromIndex = P[i];
            //we need to add 1 to Q[i], 
            //because our genoms[0][0], genoms[1][0] and genoms[2][0]
            //have 0 values by default, look above genoms[0][i+1] = genoms[0][i] + a; 
            int toIndex = Q[i]+1;
            if (genoms[0][toIndex] - genoms[0][fromIndex] > 0) {
                result[i] = 1;
            } else if (genoms[1][toIndex] - genoms[1][fromIndex] > 0) {
                result[i] = 2;
            } else if (genoms[2][toIndex] - genoms[2][fromIndex] > 0) {
                result[i] = 3;
            } else {
                result[i] = 4;

        return result;

Simple, elegant, domain specific, 100/100 solution in JS with comments!

function solution(S, P, Q) {
    var N = S.length, M = P.length;

    // dictionary to map nucleotide to impact factor
    var impact = {A : 1, C : 2, G : 3, T : 4};

    // nucleotide total count in DNA
    var currCounter = {A : 0, C : 0, G : 0, T : 0};

    // how many times nucleotide repeats at the moment we reach S[i]
    var counters = [];

    // result
    var minImpact = [];

    var i;

    // count nucleotides
    for(i = 0; i <= N; i++) {
        counters.push({A: currCounter.A, C: currCounter.C, G: currCounter.G});

    // for every query
    for(i = 0; i < M; i++) {
        var from = P[i], to = Q[i] + 1;

        // compare count of A at the start of query with count at the end of equry
        // if counter was changed then query contains A
        if(counters[to].A - counters[from].A > 0) {
        // same things for C and others nucleotides with higher impact factor
        else if(counters[to].C - counters[from].C > 0) {
        else if(counters[to].G - counters[from].G > 0) {
        else { // one of the counters MUST be changed, so its T

    return minImpact;

Java, 100/100, but with no cumulative/prefix sums! I stashed the last occurrence index of lower 3 nucelotides in a array "map". Later I check if the last index is between P-Q. If so it returns the nuclotide, if not found, it's the top one (T):

class Solution {

int[][] lastOccurrencesMap;

public int[] solution(String S, int[] P, int[] Q) {
    int N = S.length();
    int M = P.length;

    int[] result = new int[M];
    lastOccurrencesMap = new int[3][N];
    int lastA = -1;
    int lastC = -1;
    int lastG = -1;

    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        char c = S.charAt(i);

        if (c == 'A') {
            lastA = i;
        } else if (c == 'C') {
            lastC = i;
        } else if (c == 'G') {
            lastG = i;

        lastOccurrencesMap[0][i] = lastA;
        lastOccurrencesMap[1][i] = lastC;
        lastOccurrencesMap[2][i] = lastG;

    for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) {
        int startIndex = P[i];
        int endIndex = Q[i];

        int minimum = 4;
        for (int n = 0; n < 3; n++) {
            int lastOccurence = getLastNucleotideOccurrence(startIndex, endIndex, n);
            if (lastOccurence != 0) {
                minimum = n + 1; 

        result[i] = minimum;
    return result;

int getLastNucleotideOccurrence(int startIndex, int endIndex, int nucleotideIndex) {
    int[] lastOccurrences = lastOccurrencesMap[nucleotideIndex];
    int endValueLastOccurenceIndex = lastOccurrences[endIndex];
    if (endValueLastOccurenceIndex >= startIndex) {
        return nucleotideIndex + 1;
    } else {
        return 0;


