Java - Convert Human Readable Size to Bytes

I've never heard about such well-known library, which implements such text-parsing utility methods. But your solution seems to be near from correct implementation.

The only two things, which I'd like to correct in your code are:

  1. define method Number parse(String arg0) as static due to it utility nature

  2. define factors for each type of size definition as final static fields.

I.e. it will be like this one:

private final static long KB_FACTOR = 1024;
private final static long MB_FACTOR = 1024 * KB_FACTOR;
private final static long GB_FACTOR = 1024 * MB_FACTOR;

public static double parse(String arg0) {
    int spaceNdx = arg0.indexOf(" ");
    double ret = Double.parseDouble(arg0.substring(0, spaceNdx));
    switch (arg0.substring(spaceNdx + 1)) {
        case "GB":
            return ret * GB_FACTOR;
        case "MB":
            return ret * MB_FACTOR;
        case "KB":
            return ret * KB_FACTOR;
    return -1;

Spring Framework, on version 5.1, added a DataSize class which allows parsing human-readable data sizes into bytes, and also formatting them back to their human-readable form. It can be found here.

If you use Spring Framework, you can upgrade to >=5.1 and use this class. Otherwise you can c/p it and the related classes (while complying to the license).

Then you can use it:

DataSize dataSize = DataSize.parse("16GB");

will give the output:


However, the pattern used to parse your input

  • Does not support decimals (so, you can use 1GB, 2GB, 1638MB, but not 1.6GB)
  • Does not support spaces (so, you can use 1GB but not 1 GB)

I would recommend to stick to the convention for compatibility/easy maintainability. But if that does not suit your needs, you need to copy & edit the file - it is a good place to start.

A revised version of Andremoniy's answer that properly distinguishes between kilo and kibi, etc.

private final static long KB_FACTOR = 1000;
private final static long KIB_FACTOR = 1024;
private final static long MB_FACTOR = 1000 * KB_FACTOR;
private final static long MIB_FACTOR = 1024 * KIB_FACTOR;
private final static long GB_FACTOR = 1000 * MB_FACTOR;
private final static long GIB_FACTOR = 1024 * MIB_FACTOR;

public static double parse(String arg0) {
    int spaceNdx = arg0.indexOf(" ");
    double ret = Double.parseDouble(arg0.substring(0, spaceNdx));
    switch (arg0.substring(spaceNdx + 1)) {
        case "GB":
            return ret * GB_FACTOR;
        case "GiB":
            return ret * GIB_FACTOR;
        case "MB":
            return ret * MB_FACTOR;
        case "MiB":
            return ret * MIB_FACTOR;
        case "KB":
            return ret * KB_FACTOR;
        case "KiB":
            return ret * KIB_FACTOR;
    return -1;